EZMarketing Basic Principles of Good Web Design

EZMarketing Basic Principles of Good Web Design

Hi, I’m Tom Malesic, President of EZ Marketing. Today we’re going to talk about website design. Everybody wants to have a website. That looks great We’ve all been to websites that you say “I cherish that website”, and then you have the little ones you say “Oh, that is the worst website I’ve ever seen”. […]

How to design a simple website in Adobe Xd for beginners

Hi, my word is Reno and welcome onLivingWithPixels. Today, we’re going todive into Adobe Xd. So, if you’re interestedin hear Adobe Xd you want to get into theworld of network blueprint, but you’ve neverused appropriate tools and you know that thisis the right tool to create websitesbecause it is, then this video is for you. […]