What is Content Marketing? Your Best Content Marketing Strategy (2021 / مترجم للعربية)

What is Content Marketing? Your Best Content Marketing Strategy (2021 / مترجم للعربية)

Good day everyone, this is Zaid Shahin; and
in this video I will take you through the   definition of content marketing & the most
8 common issues content creators are facing.   Avoiding these issues would make your best
& most suitable content marketing strategy.  So, what is content marketing? content marketing
is the process of creating & distributing content   to introduce yourself or your business and to
attract and retain customers (in a business term:   a content that sells). In other words, content
marketing is what you use for marketing your   business, relationship building, brand awareness,
and lead generation, rather than conversions. Wither your content is a blog, infographic, case
study, field report, video, social media post,   instructional guide, downloadable PDF or any
other mean of audiences interacting material,   you need to treat each content as a piece of
art that is displayed in your unique showroom,   by doing so you will consider
it as the best tool to generate   both traffic and sales, only then you
will give it the value it deserves.

Content marketing campaigns are an effective
mode of marketing for businesses of all sizes,   to that, it requires a special triangle investment
time, money & sources as the competition   is getting more tense every single day. Let us
agree on one fact before we go any further in   this video, content marketing is not about just
blogging or sharing any old thing in our minds.   And to do it well, we must integrate
a solid plan strategically.  So, what does a marketing team truly need to have
in place to produce effective marketing content?  Unlike traditional marketing, which is
more focused on sales pushing approach,   content marketing should be based on offering
something extra to your target audience,   as there is so much content and information
out there that is offered to users,   you need to offer yours in such an attractive
way, so you make them notice & choose your way,   and eventually continue to choose to come to you,
only then you can eliminate your competition.  Customers & interested parties have never had
so choice and access to products or information   as they do nowadays, and their decisions are
increasingly being made at a quicker pace.

That   is why digital marketers must use an approach
that helps them to understand and to engage   the interested parties, rather than traditional
techniques that aim to get them to buy. effective   engagement only works when you are educating and
engaging your interested parties at the same time. In this part, I will take you
through the 8 most common issues   content marketing creators must avoid when
implementing a content management strategy:  1) Not interesting topics or poorly
organizing content: selecting your topic   is a key factor in reaching for more audience
but if the niche you picked is very narrow   most likely you will be facing issues
reaching for a big number of audiences,   as well poorly organized content is a killing
factor, to that, always conduct a reasonable   market research before you select your topics.
2) Not having enough or free time:   creating a unique, solid & valuable marketing
content most be your aim, it is always suggested   to take enough time creating your content,
add to that, you need to be focused & not   distracted while creating your content.
3) Too much content or covering several   topics at once: information overload is a negative
point, as providing too much information will make   it difficult for the audience to know
which data they need to focus on most,   not to mentioning that by doing so you will be
asking them to stay focused for a long time.  4) Irrelevant or old content: creating irrelevant
content to your selected topic or niche   will only damage your branding,
page, and your audience trust;   so always take the needed time to connect
all these aspects together so you have a   solid content that makes a difference and be sure
that will eventually improve your retention rate.  5) Not providing sources, case studies,
statistics, numbers, comparisons, explanations,   or examples, any thing that makes your content
stands out and be more interesting, audiences   tend to love content with these points as it makes
the content easier to be understood & remembered.  6) No skilled content manager, creator, or
designer on board: creating a marketing content   is a combination of art & science together, to
that it requires both knowledge and experience.   A good example would be storytelling, it
differs from one to another, someone makes it   very boring, while someone else makes it quite
interesting, even though it is the same story.  7) Not optimizing the marketing content for
the SEO: you can do that through optimizing   your title tags for clicks through rate by
adding the right tags, date to your title,   using brackets in your tittle or even by using the
targeted keywords in the content itself.

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As well,   linking out your content to other websites,
blogs, case studies or any other resources   will definitely enhance your content
ranking from the SEO point of view.  8) Last point would be not promoting the
content properly: promoting the content can   be done through either unpaid promoting process
via all social media platforms such as Facebook,   Instagram, LinkedIn, Tweeter, WhatsApp
etc. or through paid boosting promotion   such as Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram
ads etc., always remember content marketing   is not a short-term investment, so do not
expect it to kick in and to fly immediately. As a conclusion, you need to be focused
& to set the goals and targets of your   marketing content before starting the creation
process. Audiences need a quality content,   and quality content has 2 main components:
unique perspective & undeniable value.  As both marketing content & SEO might take time
to kick in, you are asked to Track & to monitor   your performance and traffic (through platforms
analytics), based on the performance you can   switch things around & do some modifications.
Most importantly is to learn from each content   experience, till the time comes where you
understand what your audience exactly wants   and what is the best way of formatting your
content to make it persuasive & sellable.

1 last advice before finishing
up: Never Forget Your Brand Story.  As mentioned previously content marketing
is a combination of art and a science,   which is what can make it so fascinating
but also frustrating at the same time. No   matter what you do, you need to remember that
marketing in any form is about telling a story   not just about your brand, but also about the
people you are selling to, in this story you need   to answer a lot of why and what questions such
as why you and why your products, and what you   offer more and what makes you special and so on.
Last, the more relatable and meaningful your   content is, the more likely people will be
to notice you and to come back for more.

This is Zaid Shahin and I hope you like my video,
if you like it, please give it a thumb’s up and   leave a comment in the comment section below, also
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See you in my next video..

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